Recogniform Image Processor is the complete solution for batch image processing, allowing to execute image enhancement and image transformation on groups of monochrome, grayscale or color images.
Recogniform Image Processor inherits the effectiveness and the elaboration power of our SDK image processing libraries. The user has no need to create a new application every time he needs a new processing pipe: the goal is simply reached using a custom script.
-Batch processing
Simply create your images batches and start the processing! It's the ideal solution to process high volumes of images: the software can run unattended overnight. You can insert specific files in a batch, or full directories, or import pre-built list of files. With the new "watching directory" option the process can start automatically as files are found in a costantly monitored directory.
Maximize the throughput with multi-thread technology. You can choose up to eight concurrent "agents" to use in the batch.
-Comprehnsive file formats support
All standard file formats are supported: TIFF (Uncompressed, Jpeg Compressed, Packbits, CCITT G3, CCITT G4, LZW, ZLIB), JPEG (JFIF), BMP, PNG, PDF (CCITT G4, JPEG), GIF. Other formats available upon request.
-Full bit depth range
Bitonal, grayscale and color images are supported. The color depth can be 1, 4, 8 or 24 bits per pixel!
-Powerful scripting language
A pascal-like language easy to learn and user-friendly, with built-in wizard to generate automatically scripts. You can use variables, library functions, conditional and loop statements, and more...
-Large functions library
Hundreds of functions ready to be used in your processing scripts: image processing and management, data handling and conversion, files and database access, DDE, system and more...
-Conditional processing
Using if-then-else scripting construct you can decide in run-time to make some processing operation only and when some conditions are verified.
-Zonal processing
You can define your region of interest: extract a sub-image, process only a specific area, output processed zone and/or re-applying changes on unmodified original.
-Customizable log
You can decide the information to insert in the log, reporting the process results you need.
-Dual Image Viewer companion
A viewer utility performing a double view of the image (before and after the processing) is enclosed at no extra charge. It's easy to save time making an interactive quality control! You can zoom and pan the two version of the same image at the same time with one single mouse click.